

Global couples
Relationship Advice September, 25 2019 7880

Thanks to the rapid development of social media and transportation, help global couples a lot with the convenient communication and shortening the geographical distance. But based on the huge difference like culture and growth environment of different country, it is inevitably to bring some arguments in the relationship. And who knows, maybe you are already in the middle of this and trying to seek for a solution? If so, check this out.


Here are some suggestions for the global couples when you feel confused of the relationship with your partner:


- Accept and respect the differences between you two, open up your mind with honesty and sincere to him/ her, take the risk of becoming more intimate. It’s always okay to let each other know if there’s some ideas or values are different, but you shall still remind him/her that it shall not differ your feelings fell for.


- Face the defect of you and your partner. Share it with each other, do not hide anything, hiding won’t help to solve the problems. Sometimes your imperfections would be the best facts to convince your partner how honest and faithful you are to him/her.



- Talk to your partner with the struggle you’re dealing with. As  everyone is having their unique life, it means you’ll have different thoughts for the same question and help you see the things with objective point of view.


- It’s a fabulous experience to learn the different culture and language of other country from the local. Maybe there’s misunderstanding if you use different language, take it as a part of communication, you’ll find lots of fun in this process.


A global couple is  special and definitely requires more attention to establish, and it’s kind of the product of cultural fusion and history. Cherish this unique relationship, and treat your partner as the most precious gift.