

5 best destination to impress your girl
Dating Tips September, 25 2019 8221

The first date is your opportunity to make a positive impression. To make a good impression, you should prepare for everything. And the primary decision is--where to go. Below is a list of suggestions to help you prepare for that activity.



Restaurants provide a great way to get to know each other. Choose a place you are familiar with so you will be more comfortable. It’s also very cool to call a waiter by his first name.


If you can, do something like see a movie together before you go to the restaurant, so that you have something to talk about. Going for a walk (for example, along a river or through a park) is also a good idea and will allow you and your date to build up an appetite.


If you have decided to pay for the date, give your credit-card number to the restaurant beforehand (either during a preliminary visit or when you make a booking). This way you won’t have to deal with the bill on the night (which can sometimes be slow and can also lead to an awkward moment with your date if the question of who pays arises.) It is also likely to impress your date.



Seeing a movie is one of the most common and safest first dates. You can choose a movie you both enjoy, which will help the date. But please make sure not to choose a bad movie as it may be a date dampener. Another disadvantage is that seeing a movie doesn’t give you much time to talk and get to know each other.


The movie will most likely spark conversation in the coffee/supper or a bite to eat afterwards. Some of the newer cinemas have deluxe seating, it is a good choice if you can afford it and you want to make a really good impression. You could book two of these deluxe seats ahead. But don’t raise your expectations — extra expense does not guarantee a successful date.



If you prefer a relaxed and casual date, it will be a good choice. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, as there may be a bit of walking involved. Walk at the same pace as your girl, so she doesn’t end up trying keeping up with you, or stopping to let you catch up.


Perhaps plan to visit the fair/market after a pleasant Sunday drive in the country. If you do this, remember to make sure your car is clean beforehand and have good music on standby for the drive. You could also hide a picnic hamper in the trunk/boot of your car so when your girl says she is getting hungry you have a wonderful surprise waiting for her.



If you can afford it, this is great for a first date. Also, because it is during the day, it absorbs some of the stress that can come with a night-time date. Make sure your girl will like the show you plan to see. Book ahead if you need to. Take cash for interval drinks/snacks. Research the performance beforehand.


Plan to have a coffee or a bite to eat afterwards so you can talk to each other. To start the conversation, ask your her thought of the show.



Venues like these offer plenty of opportunities for conversation. There is less likelihood of silences because there are plenty of visual stimuli to spark conversation and share opinions on. Also, admission may not be expensive, which is useful if you have budgetary constraints.


Pick a museum/art gallery before the date. Find out opening times. Book ahead if necessary. Budget for admission, snacks and a possible memento gift from the gift shop. (There is usually a marketing shop on site). Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, as there may be a bit of walking involved.


Research the artist/display beforehand. Make sure you allow space for your date to speak. Some people are reluctant to offer opinions in case they sound silly. If you feel this is happening pretend you don’t know as much (play dumb) as you actually do and this should encourage your date to speak up.


If you have lots of expertise/knowledge on what you are viewing, share your wisdom graciously. Watch out you don’t turn into a loudmouth show-off. Also, walk at the pace of your girl so she doesn’t end up feeling rushed trying to keep up, or having to stop to let you catch up.


Well, we're coming to the end of this article. Wish you will leave your girl a fantastic impression!